Community Health Worker

Community Health Worker

Promote health within a community by assisting individuals to adopt healthy behaviors. Serve as an advocate for the health needs of individuals by assisting community residents in effectively communicating with healthcare providers or social service agencies. Act as liaison or advocate and implement programs that promote, maintain, and improve individual and overall community health. May deliver health-related preventive services such as blood pressure, glaucoma, and hearing screenings. May collect data to help identify community health needs.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$37,638 – $52,266

Provide and manage health education programs that help individuals, families, and their communities maximize and maintain healthy lifestyles. Use data to identify community needs prior to planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles, policies, and environments. May link health systems, health providers, insurers, and patients to address individual and population health needs. May serve as resource to assist individuals, other health professionals, or the community, and may administer fiscal resources for health education programs.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$36,960 – $102,170

Assess and treat individuals with mental, emotional, or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drugs. Activities may include individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, case management, client advocacy, prevention, and education.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+3 %

Annual Wage Range

$34,863 – $68,787

Program Level:

Degrees, Certificates, Online

Program Type:

Face-to-Face, Fully Online, Hybrid


Computer Science, Technology & Business


Health & Biosciences



Community Health WorkerCoursesLinks of InterestFaculty & StaffApply Now


About the Program

This program prepares students to work as Texas State certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) for local/state public health agencies, non-profit and commercial individual and family services and outpatient/inpatient health care organizations. Emphasis is on health education, health promotion, community health research, advocacy, nutrition and developing relationships with vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. Course work in this program is intended to develop and enhance the skills of community health workers, provide state certification as a CHW, and provide a pathway to the Associate of Applied Science in Community Health.

What will I learn?

The program will train students to develop positive relationships with individuals who need assistance and support in developing healthy behaviors, utilizing health/social resources, and gaining educational support to prevent or alleviate the effects of chronic disease.

What can I do with this course of study?

This program prepares students to work in public health, private health care delivery systems, community-based social service agencies, and healthcare insurance organizations. Community Health Workers provide services to increase wellness and improve access to health services through outreach activities to target populations.

The Community Health Worker program prepares and trains the students to assist individuals and families to lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives by providing education, increased access to resources and advocacy.

Click below to get started today!

Community Health Worker Action Form

Need More Information?


Two Pathways Toward CHW Certification

  1. Students enter as academic credit students meeting all the eligibility required for enrollment in academic credit courses at Northwest Vista College.
  2. Students enter as continuing education credit students and are enrolled in the identical courses resulting in the identical CHW certification, but a HS diploma or GED is not required. All CE credit courses can be converted to academic courses in the future by completing six hours of academic credit at any Alamo College.

2024 Advisory Board Members

2023 CHW Program Outreach Activities


Interested in earning your Texas Department of State Health Services Community Health Worker certification?

Navigate through each tab to read more about our program guide, academic course description, and course schedule.

CHW and AAS Breakdown

We offer Texas state certification as a Community Health Worker and an Associate of Applied Science in Community Health. All the classes are presented in a face to face or online format. The class schedule for Fall 2022 is attached. All classes for the 2022 will be taught in a variety of formats; online, hybrid, and face to face with the required precautions to protect the health of all students.

Alamo Colleges offers an enrollment rate of about $99 per credit hour. The total cost for the certification would be $1700. There is no minimum number of hours for enrollment, but your financial aid will be reduced for fewer hours. All our classes are taught either online, or at the Westside Education and Training Center (563 SW 40th Street, intersection of Old Highway 90 and 40th Street), which is close to Lackland AFB or at the Eastside Education and Training Center, 4551 Dietrich Road, and at Northwest Vista College on 3535 N. Ellison Drive near Sea World.

The job outlook as published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Standards predicts a 21% growth in employment from 2020 to 2030. The average wage for a CHW in 2021 located in the San Antonio-New Braunfels region is $21.04 per hour or $42,300 annually. This is the link to the data.


Health education specialists develop programs to teach people about conditions affecting well-being. Community health workers promote wellness by helping people adopt healthy behaviors.

There are no prerequisites, and you can join the course work at any time without regard to a set sequence of classes. Individuals who already have a college degree are encouraged to enroll as a continuing education student if they are not interested in gaining more academic credits. Students that do not have a HS diploma or GED can use the CE option to gain the identical Texas State Certification as a CHW, this option is also ideal for students who already have a degree and are not seeking additional credit hours. The CE option is easier to enroll and usually less expensive. Visit the CE Admission and Registration site at:  CE Admissions and Registration | Alamo Colleges     You can also call Amparo R. Polendo, CE Department,  Tele: 210-486-4421 or  Email: at Northwest Vista College

If you are entering college for the first time, or you are a veteran/active-duty member of the armed forces, or returning to college after a break, follow this link to begin the process.

This will outline all the steps for enrollment, class registration and financial aid or scholarships. We also have enrollment coaches for students who can assist in process of registration and enrollment. Please contact our enrollment coach.

  • Delilah Salazar
    Certified Enrollment Coach
    Northwest Vista College
    Vista Central: Office of Admissions
    3535 N Ellison Dr | San Antonio, TX 78251 | 210-486-4602 |


All our certification courses are available online. A contact-less internship is available or a face/face experience with the appropriate health and safety precautions. The student has the option to choose which style of internship is best for them. The internship which is a 160-contact hour course to gain job experience.


Most internships are eligible for federal student work study stipends, if you are an academic student taking at least six credit hours in the semester you register for the internship and are eligible for student financial aid you may be eligible for the program.

For online students residing outside of San Antonio, we will have to plan with a local health or human service agency. Students living outside of Bexar County will pay a different tuition cost for online classes.

You can also visit our NVC Community Health website for additional detail about the course and instructors.

Use the attached schedule of CHW classes to determine your class schedule. I encourage you to apply for financial aid as soon as possible, since it takes 4-6 weeks to get the final approval from the U.S. Department of Education.

Students that are Texas residents (typically have been in the state for one year) but are not documented and not eligible for federal financial assistance can apply for Texas financial assistance through the College for all Texans at

Also attached is a listing of all the skills and competencies by individual course and the course listing for our 60-hour AAS degree in Community Health.

We use a social work model to present a series of classes that lead up to the Texas State Certification for Community Health Workers/Promotoras de Salud. All aspects of life and how they can impact an individual's or family's life are explored (lack of financial resources, undereducated, chronic illnesses, violence, drugs, dangerous neighborhoods, chronic stress, etc.)

All online classes are on a Flex semester schedule of 8 weeks.


Did you know?

Over 95% of our graduates find employment as Community Health Workers in such job titles as peer counselors, outreach workers, preventive health coordinators, health educators, lactation coaches, peer counselors, etc. and the salary ranges are $18 to $20 per hour with no experience except the state certification.

Degree Certificate Program Guide
Academic Course Description
CHW Digital Brochure


Degrees and Certificates

 ♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.

Transfer Advising Guides 



What will I learn in the Community Health Worker Program?

Students will learn the principles and practices of community health with emphasis on providing nutritional education, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, maintaining wellness, understanding how to navigate state/federal individual and family assistance programs, developing mutually trusting relationships with vulnerable populations, understanding the role of CHWs in conducting research and collecting data, and understanding the health care systems in Bexar County.

Job Outlook

This program prepares students to promote health within a community by assisting individuals and families to adopt healthy behaviors. Serve as an advocate for the health needs of individuals by assisting community residents in effectively communicating with healthcare providers or social service agencies. Function as a liaison or advocate and implement programs that promote, maintain, and improve individual and overall community health. Students will learn how to provide health education material and deliver health-related preventive services such as blood pressure, glaucoma, and eye screenings. Students will also learn how to collect data to help identify community health needs and provide data for community health research projects.

The job outlook as published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Standards predicts a 12% growth (much faster than the average than the average of all occupations) in employment from 2020 to 2030. The average wage for a CHW in 2024 located in the San Antonio-New Braunfels region is $21.21 per hour or $44,120 annually.

What Jobs Are Available to a Community Health Worker

Nearly 95% of our graduates are finding jobs in Bexar County. Jobs available include CHW, Community Engagement Specialist, Health Program Specialist, Vaccine Outreach Specialist, Health Promotion Worker, Case Management Aide, Patient Navigator, Outreach Worker, and Social Work Assistant.

Alamo Colleges Ready to Work Program

Connecting you with training programs at the Alamo Colleges – and beyond.

One or more of these programs are approved Ready to Work programs. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition and job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-demand career.

The CHW certification and AAS in Community Health is approved by Ready to Work. Academic credit courses and accelerated Continuing Education (CE) course leading to certification and AAS are available.

Academic students interested in SARTW funding their CHW education should contact Sandra Lopez, Coordinator of Student Success.


Phone: 210-485-0302

Don’t wait; apply today!

Click Here for More Information!


The Alamo Colleges District is a proud partner of the City of San Antonio’s Ready to Work Program.


Available Courses:

Course Descriptions

CHW Certificate

CHLT 1301 - Introduction to Community Health

CHLT 1340 - Community Health Advocacy

CHLT 1305 - Community Nutrition

CHLT 1342 - Community Health Field Methods

CHLT 1302 - Wellness and Health Promotion

CHLT 1342 - Community Health Field Methods

CHLT 2260 - Clinical - Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling (Internship)

AAS Community Health

All courses in the CHW certificate plus the following courses. 

ENGL 1301 - Composition I

ENGL 1302 - Composition II

MATH 1442 - Elementary Statistical Methods or

MATH 1314 - College Algebra

PSYC 2301 - General Psychology

SOCI 1301 - Introductory Sociology

BIOL 2401 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

HIST 1301 - United States History I

PHIL 2306 - Introduction to Ethics

SPCH 1315 - Public Speaking

SOCI 1306 - Social Problems

BIOL 2402 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

SPAN 1411 - Elementary Spanish

CHLT 2260 - Clinical - Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling

SPAN 1412 - Elementary Spanish II

NOTE: EDUC 1300 is not required for the AAS in Community Health

About the Program Coordinator: Dr. Fernando Martinez

Professor Fernando Martinez, Ph.D. is the Community Health Program coordinator at Northwest Vista College. He has an extensive educational and career experience in hospital administration, community outreach programs, CHW educational programs, and adult education.

Professor Martinez completed a military career in the U.S. Army before joining Santa Rosa Healthcare (Christus Health) as an administrator where he designed and implemented a community wellness and outreach program focusing on the most vulnerable Zip Codes in San Antonio. The outreach program consisted of a mobile health clinic, neighborhood CHWs, community health nurse educators, lay case workers, a pediatric primary care clinic, inner-city physician recruitment, patient transportation, geriatric resource center, and a patient information system. This was the first hospital system-based outreach program in San Antonio.

Professor Martinez also developed a CHW program for the Nicaraguan Scholarship for Peace Program which was later expanded to train CHWs from the entire Caribbean basin.


Dr. Martinez has earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of New Mexico, Master of Science in Environmental Management, University of Texas at San Antonio, Master of Healthcare Administration, Baylor University, and Ph.D., in Education Leadership, University of Texas, Austin


Faculty and Staff


Fernando Martinez, Ph.D

Guadalupe Cornejo
Assistant Professor:


Adrienne Partida

Noelia Santos


Contact Us

Noelia Santos
Interim Chair

MLH 201B


Guadalupe Cornejo
Assistant Professor

Community Health Worker Program

MLH 201


Dr. Fernando Martinez, Ph.D

Community Health Worker Program Coordinator

MLH 201
